Sunday 2 September 2012

Disney XD launch at Sunway Pyramid

Yesterday, my father brought me to Sunway Pyramid to buy some things. When we reached there, I saw a lot of people at the booth and I went to see. I saw the signboard that states that 15th September there is a a new channel 617 on Astro.

They have organised games of the different Disney characters. I was asked to queue and was given a book to record my points. First, we played football. We must drible the ball around the cones and pass to another person to kick into the goal. The goalpost is separated into two sections, X and D. The X goal gives 10 points and teh D goal gives 5 points. Samuel and I played the game.

Because there were three of us, my brother played with my sister and I played with another boy in the queue. The aim of the game is to hit the XD mark on the boxing pole as many times as possible. The more times you hit, the more points you get. I won the game as I achieved 151 hits and I was given 10 points.
After playing a few games, we went to KFC to have lunch. We wanted to go for the car racing station but there were a lot of people queuing up for the game.  So, we went to the computer games station to play Iron Man.
There were more games to play but my father decided to go back home and redeem the gifts. After taking the gifts, we went to buy some clothes from Jusco. We also bought Cendol to eat at home. I am happy because I had a fun adventure with my family.

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